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Scheme Termination - Draft Bill Imminent

Article Contributed by Bugden Allen Graham Lawyers  

Very soon 75% of lot owners in any community titles scheme will be able to vote on whether to terminate their scheme, so that it can be sold or redeveloped.  


Release of the draft Bill imminent, but will it do what the Government wants; that is, help solve the housing crisis? In this article Michael Kleinschmidt explains how Attorney General Shannon Fentiman can make sure that it does, simply by listening to Russell Crowe...

Community Living Etiquette Tips

Article Contributed by Archers the Strata Professionals

We regularly receive emails about actions or behaviour of individuals that is impacting neighbours and others within a strata community. This is often difficult question to deal with as the action of behaviour may not necessarily have a specific by-law that can be relied upon to regulate the issue.


When the solution isn’t in the by-laws, we need to consider if the behaviour is socially acceptable outside of a strata environment and if there is any rules or regulation to guide towards remedy.


Otherwise, do neighbours simply need to be more considerate towards each other when living within close proximity just like we do (or should do) outside strata communities?
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Ongoing > Body Corporate Webinars, Body Corporate and Community Management, Queensland Government

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