In the 2024-2025 period, eligible Queensland households will receive a Cost of Living Rebate (CoLR) provided by the Queensland and Commonwealth Governments. Additionally, eligible Queensland small businesses will benefit from a Small Business Rebate (QSBR) funded by the Queensland Government and a separate rebate from the Commonwealth Government (CSBR).
For eligible residential customers and small businesses in privately-owned embedded networks who are billed for electricity by an authorised on-supplier, both the Cost of Living Rebate (CoLR) and the Small Business Rebate (QSBR and CSBR) will be applied as separate lump sum credits to customers' electricity accounts starting from 1 July 2024.
The Queensland Government is responsible for the implementation of the rebates in Queensland.
This fact sheet summarises the implementation details for embedded network operators in
Queensland. Further details are contained in the accompanying Q&As.
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